Express & Star

Thinking of heading to a festival in your car this year? Here are some things to remember

We’ve got some of the key items to remember to pack, as well as those pre-flight checks that’ll ensure your trip goes off without a hitch.

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Glastonbury Festival 2017 Preparations

This time of year sees the beginning of festival season. The cold dark days are fading as we enter brighter and warmer weather – so it’s the ideal opportunity to take you, your friends and family on trips away in your car.

As with any vacation in your vehicle, preparation and planning is key to ensure that your journey runs smoothly, calmly and efficiently.

There are many festivals that take place all over the UK, whether it be music, cars, food or even cultural – being prepared is vital especially if you plan to take a trip away for more than a day or so.

We have compiled a list of pre-flight checks to ensure you and your passengers get to your destination as stress free as possible.

Make sure your car is maintained well and all the fluids are topped up

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Make sure to check your engine oil. (Credit: PA Archive – Ian Nicholson)

When travelling to a festival, the most important part is getting there safely, on time and above all, smoothly.

Before you set off on your journey, make sure that you have filled your car up with fuel and that all the tire pressures are correct – as low pressure can cause blowouts, uneven tyre wear and will contribute to worse fuel economy too.

Your car is your best friend on a long journey, but only if you’ve maintained it well. Before setting off, check that the oil level is between the minimum and maximum on the dipstick, the brake fluid is topped up and that you have enough engine coolant – which you can check by opening the coolant cap under your engine bay and look to see a translucent reservoir.

Pack plenty of food and drink

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Pack plenty of snacks, driving while hungry or thirsty can affect your concentration levels. (Credit: PA Archive – Anthony Devlin)

Food and drink is your very own fuel and by not packing enough of it, could make for a very long and tiring journey.

Festivals usually supply lots of beverages and snacks from different stalls and markets, however always make sure that you keep topped up in the car as you may find by having a limited supply that you will run out very quickly. You’ll also save money as lots of events charge considerably more for food and drink.

Driving while thirsty or hungry can affect your concentration levels and will put you and your loved ones at greater risk of being in an accident.

Water and fruit juice are great examples of drink, while small snacks that can be easy to hand on the move like biscuits or even fruit are great at filling you up for longer.

Toiletries are essential for camping away

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Always make sure you’ve got enough toiletries like toothpaste and toothbrushes. (Credit: PA Archive – Niall Carson)

Many festivals are held over more than a one day period, which means you’ll be staying away from home. Make sure to pack all the essential toiletries such as toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, hair shampoos and during the summer, always pack sun cream.

You will find that you’ll be out in the sun all day, and even if you drive there in a convertible with the roof down can still be damaging to your skin if not protected.

First aid kit

Going prepared is always better than not at all, and a first aid kit will come in handy for any bumps or scrapes that you might encounter. If you’re travelling with young children, having plasters, bandages and cleansing wipes will really benefit if anyone were to have an accident.

You may not need one to take with you, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Take chargers and electronic devices

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Always take electronic devices to keep passengers occupied. (Credit: PA Archive – Apple)

You’ll be travelling with your phone and you may wish to take an electronic tablet like an iPad. Make sure you take plenty of chargers as not only you will want to charge them up, especially if you’re driving a long journey and your passengers are using them constantly throughout the trip.

Having multiple chargers will help reduce any arguments or shouting when someone needs to charge up their phone or tablet.

Check your car’s MOT

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A car with a valid MOT doesn’t always mean that it’s roadworthy as minor defects can deteriorate over time. (Credit: PA Archive – Liam McBurney)

A vital one that you may not even encounter is to check your car’s latest MOT record. Check if there were any minor defects or advisories that were picked up as even though at the time your car was fit for the road, those defects can deteriorate over time.

Before heading off, make sure those issues have been rectified because otherwise you could be driving a car that may be a hazard to everyone around you.

Take a jump pack just in case of a flat battery

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Take a jump pack as it might save you from calling a breakdown company that will add more time to your journey. (Credit: PA Archive – Barry Batchelor)

Always take a jump pack with you just in case your car fails to start on the morning that you begin to head home.

No one wants to be stranded in their car, especially if you’ve got small children with you. Not only is it stressful and creates more hassle, but it will also add a serious amount of time to your journey.

If you don’t bring a jump pack and your vehicle doesn’t start, you will then have to rely on breakdown recovery companies to come to your rescue – which may take longer than you think.