How can I look after my car in hot weather?
A spike in temperature can cause a car to react differently to normal – here’s how to make sure it’s all up to speed.

The UK is currently enjoying some last-minute hot weather, bringing a sudden burst of sunshine to many people who thought that warm temperatures were set to be a thing of the past for 2023.
But hot weather can affect cars differently and there are some different measures you can take to make sure that your vehicle works just as it should in higher temperatures. Let’s take a look.
Air conditioning

If you’re driving a car with air conditioning, then you’ll know how crucial it is at keeping your vehicle’s interior cool. However, if it isn’t blowing ice-cool when activated, there could be a number of reasons behind it.
One of the primary causes for a malfunctioning air-con system is a lack of refrigerant. This can be solved with something called a ‘re-gas’ where the levels are topped back up again. Fortunately, it’s relatively inexpensive and will have your air-con back to normal in no time.
So it might sound strange to talk about windscreen wipers during a period of hot, dry weather but, as with most times of unseasonably warm temperatures, there’s often the chance of a heavy downpour at the end.
So rather than waiting until the moment the rain hits, test out your wipers to make sure that they’re not rubbing or failing to screen properly. If they make a squeaking noise when you use them with washer fluid, then they’ll need replacing – you’ll thank yourself later!
Washer fluid

Since we’re on the subject of cleaning a windscreen, it’s a good time to think about topping up your washer fluid. Dry weather tends to bring dust and this can quickly accumulate on your windscreen – particularly overnight – and make it harder to see out.
It’s why ensuring that you’ve got plenty of washer fluid is essential. Most cars have the filler spout under the bonnet, usually signified by a blue cap. Make sure you top it up with proper washer fluid, too, as it helps lubricate parts of the system far better than just water.

If you’re planning on making the most of the warm weather and travel a little further afield than usual then it’s a good time to check your tyres. They’re a crucial part of your car’s setup, of course, and any issues with them could prove dangerous in the future.
Check the sidewalls – the sides of the tyre – for any cracks or splitting and make sure no nails or thorns have lodged in there either. You’ll need to make sure that the tyre’s treads meet the legal limit in the UK – 1.6mm – and you can do this by inserting a 20p coin into the grooves. If the outer band is covered by the tyre then they’re good to go – see the band and they’ll need replacing right away.

Coolant is your car’s way of maintaining the correct temperature. That’s why you’ll need to make sure that your vehicle has the right amount of coolant in it, or there’s a risk of overheating and causing damage to the engine.
Most cars have their coolant reservoirs under the bonnet, with a gauge on the side of the ‘bottle’ indicating minimum and maximum levels. If yours is low, top it up with an appropriate coolant or, if you have any concerns, you should ask a trained professional to do it for you.