New initiative rewards drivers for recycling empty plastic bottles and coffee cups
Machines aim to help motorists dispose of their rubbish responsibly

A new campaign is looking to encourage drivers to dispose of their empty plastic bottles and coffee cups carefully by rewarding them for using special recycling machines.
Due to be introduced this Thursday, the scheme will see drivers given 5p money-off vouchers for each item deposited into special ‘recycling reward’ devices.

Whenever something is put into one of the new machines, a voucher will be printed off for the motorist to collect.
The machines are going to be located at Maidstone Services in Kent, chosen because of the huge numbers of holidaymakers and lorry drivers who stop off there.
The scheme has also seen giant funnel bins installed at Maidstone and Folkestone services, allowing lorry drivers to dispose of their rubbish without having to leave their cabs.
Trewin Restorick, CEO of Hubbub, the environmental charity behind the campaign, said: “Litter by our motorways is an eyesore, harms wildlife and is expensive and dangerous to remove.
“#DriveDownLitter brings together a unique partnership of organisations exploring whether we can change habits and cut littering. The campaign will see the introduction of the UK’s first reward scheme for people who recycle their coffee cups and plastic bottles at service stations, plus an array of new bins making it easier for drivers of all vehicles to bin their rubbish.”
As well as reducing the environmental impact discarded bottles and cups make, cutting the amount of rubbish on motorways should help reduce the 22,000 accidents recorded each year which come about as a result of litter thrown from cars.