West Bromwich apartments project: Car park will go if flats are built
A six-storey apartment block will be built on a car park in West Bromwich, under plans to continue the regeneration of the town centre.
Forty-nine flats would be created in Victoria Street, with an underground car park for residents included.
But concerns have been raised about the loss of parking spaces for shoppers as a public car park near the junction with High Street would be swallowed up under the proposals.
Developers have said the area is run-down and in need of regeneration and that the site has the potential to attract anti-social behaviour if left as it is.
A mixture of one and two-bedroom flats would be created over six floors under the plans, which seek to continue the regeneration of West Bromwich town centre.
Planning agent Detail, which has submitted the plans on behalf of DR Developments, said the build would transform the 'distressed' site and attract investment.
But West Bromwich councillor Bawa Dhallu has concerns about the loss of the existing car park, which provides around 40 spaces in the heart of the town centre.
Parking at the privately-owned site has been offered for as little as 40p an hour.
Councillor Dhallu said: "We are short of houses and apartments but the problem with this is it is taking car parking spaces.
"The car parks are always full and I don't really know what to think about this. On the one hand it is positive because of the new homes but on the other there is the loss of parking spaces. I'm in two minds."
A report with the application said: "The existing site in its current state does not create a pleasant environment. Due to the absence of people and disuse there is limited natural surveillance to the site, which could encourage anti-social behaviour.
"A site of this nature gives nothing back to the community. The proposed scheme will give the area a mixed-use development, and a site that is no longer a potential threat with anti-social behaviour.
"The location would provide a sustainable and suitable location for a residential living with good access links and amenities close by."