Tanveer Iqbal murder trial: Lover 'dumped car with body in boot'
The lover of murdered Black Country shopkeeper Tanveer Iqbal dumped the car which had his dead body lying in the boot, a court heard.

A jury was told Zatoon Bibi drove Mr Iqbal's grey Renault Clio to Portland Road, Edgbaston.
His body was discovered in the boot the next day.
Her ex-husband and co-accused Gul Nawaz was also spotted on CCTV buying duct tape, blue rope and gloves at Poundland in Oldbury earlier in the day.
Bibi, aged 37, Nawaz, 44, and a teenager, who cannot be named because of his age, deny murdering Mr Iqbal.
Birmingham Crown Court was shown CCTV footage of Mr Iqbal, who ran Hi-tech Music in Smethwick, arriving at Bibi's house in Bridgeburn Road, Bartley Green, just before 7.30pm on January 31. Mr Iqbal was married to Bibi, despite having another family.
A Vauxhall Zafira, believed to have been driven by Nawaz, of Roway Lane, Oldbury, had shown up at the address an hour earlier.
The jury was then shown footage from later in the evening showing the Clio being backed up towards the house. Around four minutes later the boot was seen to be opened and 'more than one person' was moving at the back of the car.
The area in front of the boot could not be seen on CCTV but the prosecution alleges at this point a cardboard box containing Mr Iqbal's body was put in the boot. It is alleged Mr Iqbal was strangled in the house with a ligature.
Attempts were made to close the boot but it sprung back up at least four times before staying shut.
CCTV footage was then shown of the Clio being parked in Portland Road just before 9pm. A person - alleged to be Bibi - gets out of the car and walks off.
She continued to be picked up by cameras along High Street, Smethwick, and could be seen putting something into a bin. The prosecution claims it was gloves.
She then gets into a Vauxhall Zafira - believed to be Nawaz's - outside MSI Food World off Oldbury Road.
Footage of Nawaz's trip to Poundland was also shown to the jury. Wearing a white baseball cap, he was seen approaching the counter with a basket of goods. Detectives were able to find out tape, rope and gloves were among items he purchased. Tape and rope were found on the box containing Mr Iqbal's body.
The court also heard from forensic pathologist Dr Olaf Biedrzycki, who suggested Bibi would not have been strong enough to kill Mr Iqbal on her own.
He said: "If he was struggling it may suggest the loss of consciousness was not in just seconds which raises the possibility that the deceased would have had time to overpower the petite female."
The trial continues.