Express & Star

Move it! Burned out vehicle left for days in Dudley park

Council bosses have been urged to move a burnt out car which has blighted a Dudley park for 10 days.


The shell of a vehicle in this photo has been abandoned in Grange Park since May 13, according to Loz Heathcock.

He has urged Dudley Council chiefs to remove the car - and yesterday on Twitter the authority said they are going to 'look into' removing the vehicle.

Mr Heathcock - a Tipton Harrier - had earlier posted on the social network that the van was 'spoiling his lunchtime runs'.

He wrote: "This is the van at Grange Park, please remove when possible. Spoiling my lunchtime runs."

Mr Heathcock added: "Unfortunately Dudley has an endless supply of dumping sites."

Ward councillor Cathryn Bayton said she hoped the car could be moved as quickly as possible.

She said: "Obviously now I'm aware of this I'm more than happy to get this moved pretty quickly.

"Flytipping and litter is a problem in the borough and particularly in St James's.

"We're eager to work with the community to make sure this is a good place to live.

"Ten days to move a burnt out car is too long but we've also had to make a lot of cuts to services so that has an impact on the environment.

"We can't provide the services we used to - but 10 days it too long to respond."