Express & Star

Stafford to unite to tackle 'perfect storm' facing homeless

Groups in Stafford will come together to tackle a 'perfect storm' facing homeless people in the area.


House of Bread, Stafford MP Jeremy Lefroy and the YMCA will have a meeting next month, where they will try and find a creative solution to the increasing number of people without homes.

Lichfield House, a 12 room service that provides supported accommodation for young people, and Fernleigh House, an alcohol rehabilitation centre, will both close next week.

This is because of a reduction to the government's Support People programme, which helps fund services related to housing support, which in turn forced Staffordshire County Council to withdraw its funding.

William Morris, director of Stafford charity House of Bread, said: "We provide support for vulnerable people and for us, the growing number of people who need these services under 25 is most worrying.

"And here is Lichfield House closing with no forthcoming explanation as to what provision there will be for under 25s. It'll have to absorbed by the current low availability elsewhere.

"Not unnaturally I'm one of the voices asking if we are comfortable with this. It's not a criticism, it's asking to know what they're thinking."

Mr Morris set up the meeting with Mr Lefroy and Stoke YMCA to try to find a creative way of solving the problem.

"We're really trying to talk to as many people as we can. In terms of the meeting, it struck me that we could come up with something that would provide a level of support that doesn't currently exist. This needs to happen. We need to provide a stable environment for people.

"It's a bit vague, but I'm pushing as best I can. Because House of Bread is independent, it gives me the opportunity to stand up and say I'm not comfortable. I take it seriously, because the work we do on a daily basis is being impacted. We have become busier and busier, and the evidence for this is right in front of us.

"The way that everything has come together really is a perfect storm. We're going to look at this and ask 'what can we do?'

"You have to come up with a creative way of looking at things, because these days money is extremely tight."

Jeremy Lefroy said: "I will continue to work with all concerned to try and achieve a solution. We need to do all we can to tackle homelessness."

Sara Beamand, Director for Care and Support, Midland Heart said: "The removal of Supporting People funding by Staffordshire County Council has unfortunately left us with no alternative but to close the service at Lichfield House. Many of our customers have now been supported to find future homes, and we will continue to work closely with Stafford Borough Council and those remaining to help them consider their future options. We are very proud of the great work we have achieved at Lichfield House, supporting young people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless to move on from difficult situations and live independently."