Express & Star

'They were clinging on for dear life': Pet raccoons escape garden shed blaze

A pair of pet raccoons had a lucky escape after a fire broke out in a garden shed next to their cage where they were found to be 'clinging on for dear life.


Nuna and Buddha desperately tried to climb out of their cage after flames took hold of Iris Nott's shed in her back garden.

The cute creatures belong to Hannah Nott, who described them as 'my life'.

Hannah, who is aged 32 and in the process of setting up her own animal charity, said: "The raccoons are my life and I'm just so overjoyed that they're ok. We didn't expect them to come out alive.

"I took the dog out the back garden for a wee and looked up and the shed was on fire.

SANDWELL COPYRIGHT EXPRESS&STAR TIM THURSFIELD 26/11/15 Pics to go with story about how two raccoons, Nuna and Buddha, were close to death after their housing caught light in the back garden of a house in Chestnut Road, Oldbury. Nuna is happy to be back with owner Hannah Nott.

"I've had Nuna since she was was five weeks old and got Buddha to keep her company around six months ago. "They're both around two-and-a-half now. I was beside myself seeing them clinging onto the cage but luckily fire crews helped me get them out and straight to the vets.

"Because it was night and the smoke was that thick in the garden, we couldn't actually see how bad the fire was, it was so dark.

"When the firefighters let me get closer to the shed I could the roof had been melted off and the raccoons cage had been badly damaged. They were clever enough to climb to the top and try and escape."

The raccoons were taken to Manor Vets on Kent Road, Halesowen to be checked over and luckily they were fine.

Hannah added: "I've been told they're both ok and have no long term damage. I'm still in shock, but it could have been a lot worse.

"I'm just so happy to be getting them back home with me now."

Firefighters from Oldbury and Woodgate Valley were called out to the fire at the house in Chestnut Road. When crews arrived they discovered the two raccoons in a huge mesh cage adjoining the shed that had gone up in flames.

Crew commander Chris Green said: "They were clinging on for dear life in there. The raccoons were right on the far side away from the fire and we used a big fan to blow the smoke away from them.

"Then firefighters went in and rescued the raccoons and put them in a cage and got them out of the way.

"Another couple of minutes and I think they would've died.

"They were ok in the end but seemed a bit shocked. The shed was completely gutted."

The cause of the fire, which happened at around 6pm on Wednesday, is believed to have been caused by a tumble dryer catching fire in the shed and spreading to the specialist cage where Nuna and Buddha are kept.

Mrs Nott, aged 68, who lives with her daughter at the property, was heading out to an evening church service on the night of the fire.

She said: "I was just getting in the car and there was a certain smell in the air but I thought nothing of it.

"I began to drive to church but 10 minutes later got a call from my daughter Hannah telling me the shed was on fire and the raccoons were in serious danger.

"I raced back and ran into the house. The smoke had completely covered the garden - it was so dark we could barely see the raccoons.

"It was a very scary time for everyone and touch and go for Nuna and Buddha. They were hanging on tightly to the top of the cage frightened to death.

"The fire service were unbelievably quick to the house. If it wasn't for that I don't think the raccoons would have made it.

"To add insult to injury I'd just bought £200 worth of lovely food for the freezer which we keep in the shed. Looks like we won't be having that in a hurry."

Oldbury Fire Station tweeted after receiving the call about the fire: "Our crews have just arrived at a garden shed fire in Oldbury where raccoons are reported trapped. Yes, raccoons."