Ofsted praise for pupils at Claverley CofE Primary School
Ofsted has praised strong leadership and rising pupil achievement at a school on the outskirts of Wolverhampton following an inspection.
Inspectors visited Claverley CofE Primary School in Aston Lane in July. They rated the school as 'good' in the four key areas of leadership and management, behaviour and safety of pupils, quality of teaching and achievement.
The school's early years provision was also handed the same rating, giving the 111-pupil school and overall grade two rating of 'good'.
In a report released this week inspectors said that 'strong and effective' leadership by the headteacher had improved the quality of teaching and learning throughout the school.
Senior leaders and governors were said to have been successful in raising pupils' achievement in reading, writing and maths and in improving attendance and behaviour.
Lead inspector Kathy Hooper said: "The headteacher's high expectations are evident throughout the school. The school is valued by pupils, parents, staff and the community for its acceptance and nurturing of individual strengths and talents."
Good progress was being made throughout Key Stages 1 and 2, and in Year 6, the report said.
Disadvantaged pupils, disabled pupils and those with special educational needs were also progressing well at the school, according to the report.
Inspectors said behaviour was 'good', and described pupils as 'polite, caring, respectful and supportive of others'.
The report said: "The school has a strong community spirit. All staff are good role models and pupils' welfare has a high priority."
The quality of teaching was highly praised by inspectors for having 'ensured that pupils throughout the school make good progress'.
"There are excellent relationships between staff and pupils," the report added. "Pupils are eager to learn within the school's stimulating and supportive environment."
Inspectors said the school was not yet 'outstanding' because the most able pupils were sometimes set work that was too easy for them, and that teachers did not always check pupils' progress during lessons.
Headteacher Jo Derrer said: "The school is delighted with the judgements and the recognition that Claverley is a 'good' school.
"The report reflects the hard work and commitment of all the staff, governors and children, and the support of our parents and the community.
"It highlights all the things we do well and indicates the targets that we need to work on to move the school forward. The school will be creating opportunities for colleagues to support each other while developing greater challenge for all through the new curriculum."
The school was previously inspected in February 2012 and was rated as 'good'.