Express & Star

Sum results for star siblings who took exams early

For Satveer Mann and his younger sister Kareena, maths skills seem to run in the family.


Their father Balvinder Singh Mann teaches the subject at Oldbury Academy and the siblings are already chalking up some impressive maths achievements of their own.

Satveer, aged 14 and a Year 9 student at Heath Park College, scored 14 A* in GCSE maths and an A in GCSE statistics. He had already taken the GCSEs when he was in junior school, scoring Cs in the foundation paper.

Kareena, 11, took on the exams five years early and earned a C in GCSE Maths.

Mr Mann said: "Satveer just enjoys maths so he works on books at home. He is self-motivated. I don't really have to tell him to do anything.

"The school didn't realise how good he was until they gave him an exam paper to do, and he got an A* so they decided to enter him at Year 9 and he produced the goods basically.

"Kareena is probably the naturally brighter kid. She got into Wolverhampton Girls' High and did really well in the entrance exam, she didn't get far off the top mark."

While English and reading are her favourite subjects, Mr Mann said Kareena is also a Judo star, competing all over the country and bringing home gold medals.

Mr Mann, whose wife Amrit Kaur is a credit controller, said he had expected the pair to do well with their GCSEs.

He said: "I set some expectations with them like I do with my teaching classes, and kids like to live up to the expectations."

Mr Mann wanted to thank Heath Park College and the headteacher, Doug Selkirk, for letting Satveer and Kareena sit their GCSEs at the school.

His children also said their grandmother, Swaran Kaur, had supported them.