Football's not coming home for men's teams

Footballers who play on pitches in Burntwood say they have 'had the rug pulled from underneath them' after the land was leased out to other clubs.


Thomas Hall, secretary of the Lichfield & Walsall District Football League, said four teams had lost their home because of the decision by Lichfield District Council.

Last week, councillors agreed to lease pitches and changing rooms at Hospital Road in Hammerwich to Burntwood Dragons & Phoenix FC in a 25-year agreement.

And while Mr Hall issued no ill feeling to the club, which is predominantly made up of youth and children's teams, the league secretary said the move was a 'death nail' for men's football.

"We have been hiring pitches from Lichfield Council since the league formed in 1908," Mr Hall said.

"We have hired Hospital Road for the last 40 years.

"The league has not been informed or involved with these discussions.

"They can send us emails if rubbish has been left behind on the pitches but they can't tell us about this.

"Four teams have been evicted because of this with.

"We have no issue with Burntwood Phoenix whatsoever it is just the underhand way Lichfield Council has gone about this."

Mr Hall said the issue was symptomatic of a wider problem: that of national footballing bodies ploughing money and resources into future generations whilst neglecting those who have been playing the game for decades.

He confirmed men's teams Burntwood Star, Burntwood Town Reserves, Boney Hay FC and The Swan FC had all been told they must go and play elsewhere for the upcoming season.

In respons,e Lichfield District Council said it had found alternative homes for some of the teams and was looking for the others.

Leisure boss Councillor Andy Smith, said: "We are working directly with the football clubs that currently play at Hospital Roads playing fields to relocate them to nearby facilities, and have happily relocated most of them.

"We'll continue to help the remaining two clubs to find suitable alternative pitches."