Dudley Council says sorry over letters mishap
Confidential letters containing private information on employment contracts for staff working at a care home have been mistakenly sent out to elderly residents' families.

Officials at Dudley Council have apologised for the 'administrative error' after the families of residents' of New Bradley Hall care home received the letters.
But campaigners who have fought to save the care home in Kingswinford from closure say they are shocked at the latest issue surrounding the fate of New Bradley Hall.
The day to day management of the home, in Compton Drive, is being transferred from Dudley Council to Black Country Housing Group (BCGH).
The letters, marked 'private and confidential', detail how contracts will be transferred to staff once the transfer to BCGH is completed from February 20.

They were mistakenly addressed to relatives of residents and do not contain any details of individual staff members themselves.
But campaigners are concerned about length of time the process is taking since the controversial transfer was settled last year.
Poppy Scott, whose mother Irene Claridge is lives at the home said: "With all the problems we have had around communication and what was going to happen with the home's future this is just another problem."
UKIP Councillor Paul Brothwood says he is 'appalled' by the error which saw up to six letters sent out mistakenly.
He says he has raised the concerns with Matt Bowsher, the council's chief officer for adult social care, and called for apologises to be issued.
He said: "I have campaigned hard, with the help of local residents, to stop this transfer but Dudley Council is pig-headedly pushing this through.
"This latest fiasco demonstrates the continuous poor consultation with all those affected. I hope this latest blunder with make them think twice about this and keep New Bradley Hall under local care and not in private hands.
UKIP councillors claimed the move amounted to the home being privatised - a claim being strongly refuted by Dudley Council today.
Councillor Dave Branwood, who is in charge of adult and community services, would not confirm the competition date for the transfer stated in the letter
He said: "Due to an administrative error, letters intended for staff detailing arrangements for their employment as part of the ongoing transfer of New Bradley Hall to Black Country Housing Group, were also sent to residents.
"We have investigated and found this was an administrative error and we have contacted residents and families individually to apologise for the mistake.
"With regard to the transfer of New Bradley Hall things are progressing well, but as with all complex legal processes these things can take time.
"Our main priority from the very beginning was getting this transfer 100 per cent right for the residents and staff at the home, but we expect to complete the process in the next few weeks.
"I must reiterate this is not a privatisation of the home, New Bradley Hall is being transferred to a not for profit organisation with a nationally-acclaimed track record and a stable financial footing."