Express & Star

Kirby picks up an hairdressing Oscar

A freelance hairdresser has won a top accolade and trophy in what many regard as the Oscars of the industry.

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Hair stylist Kirby Brewer has won a Colour Correction Genius award

Kirby Brewer, aged 25, a freelance hairdresser from Painted by Kirby in Kidderminster, has gained a trophy for Colour Correction Genius for 2021.

The awards are among the biggest honours in the industry in the UK and to win the trophy Kirby had to submit a portfolio for judging and know the science base behind colouring techniques.

She had to show her knowledge of colouring, correcting and about altering hair colour.

Kirby said: "It is a real honour to win the award and will raise my profile as a hairdresser.

"The science of colouring hair is very important within corrections to obtain this award.

"I just love what I do and started as a Saturday girl at the age of 14 at a salon in Stourport.

"Eventually I hope to have my own salon in the Worcestershire area.

"Meanwhile I plan to enter more competitions and I would like to become an educator for Davines, a brand which is sustainable and environmentally friendly, which I also use in salon."

Kirby is no stranger to awards and gain a place on the Clynol Protege team in 2015 which saw her working in London and at Fashion Week.

She also won a place at a L'Oreal Academy in 2017 which saw her working in Leeds, Manchester and Barcelona.

Kirby said: "I am very honoured to have won the award and to have gained places through other brands and this is important when you are trying to make it in the hairdressing industry."