Schools remaining open for children over Easter
Schools in Worcestershire currently providing care for critical workers will continue to do so during the Easter break.
They will be continuing to provide care for children who are vulnerable and children whose parents are key workers and cannot be safely cared for at home.
Catherine Driscoll, chief executive of Worcestershire children first and director of children’s services for Worcestershire County Council, said: "I have been overwhelmed by how well Worcestershire’s schools, colleges and early years settings have risen to the challenge we all face in our response to Covid-19.
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"We have worked closely together to ensure that there is provision to meet the needs of those children and young people who need to be in school and I am grateful to everyone involved for their flexibility.
Councillor Marcus Hart, cabinet member with responsibility for education and skills, said: "I’d like to thank our schools, teachers and students who have been simply great, during this unprecedented situation, and continue to do our county proud.
"As a working parent myself, I totally understand the pressures that working parents are currently facing and appreciate this is a very difficult time."