Revealed: Postcode Lottery winners scoop share of £3m
Someone's knocking at the door - lucky lottery winners have received their share of a multi-million pound jackpot.

Homeowners in the DY10 1 postcode sector landed a share of the £3 million prize as the People's Postcode Lottery came to Kidderminster.
The money was split between 419 people across the region with many pulling in more than £3,000 each.
There were 11 lucky winners for the winning postcode with residents in the DY10 1NP area picking up £125,000 each.
One player even doubled their money, winning £250,000 as they played with two tickets.
The lottery also became a family affair with Christopher Orr and his daughter Natalie Padfield, who lives next door, both winning £125,000 each.
Christopher, 68, said: "We thought it would be about £1,000 and we just couldn't believe it was this much.
"We had a call saying we were one of the winning postcodes so we waited 10 days wondering how much it would be.
"You have no idea what you've won so its difficult to even think about what to do with the money during that wait.
"It will make life a lot more comfortable and the plan is to do a few home improvements, but nothing drastic.
"My wife has always wanted to go to Florida so I think we might give that a whirl now."
Natalie, 44, said: "I couldn't believe how much it was and you never think its going to be you, its just a fantastic feeling, it makes life easier.
"We have bills to pay and our boiler has just broken so we need some home improvements and the money will go towards that.
"My 10-year-old daughter Abbie has never been on a plane so I think we'll take her off to Florida, she's so excited.
"My dad and I have been in it for more than three years now and we joked about how fantastic it would be if we both won but you never think it would be yourself.
"It still hasn't sunk it, it's life changing."
The winners were joined by former X-Factor star Danyl Johnson and radio presenter Judie McCourt, two of the ambassadors for the charity.
Danyl said: "I think this is amazing and we're so lucky to be able to do this job, people's lives change in front of us.
"It brings communities together, everyone thinks its not going to be them until we knock on their door."
Winner of £125,000 Sue Young, 69, said: "It is absolutely unbelievable, we're in shock.
"We thought it would probably be about £10,000 so it's quite a difference to what we got.
"I didn't want to come outside at first but once my husband called me out I knew it must have been something good - it's so wonderful
"I'm off on holiday to Crete so I think I might treat myself to a few things while I'm there.
"We're planning to give some of the money to the family and also do some work on the house and just enjoy the money."
"If I'd won the money when I was still working I'd have definitely quit.
Teaching assistant, Lisa Freeman, 43, was also one of the 11 lucky winners bagging £125,000.
Lisa said: "Its life changing, it's a huge amount and it will make such a difference.
"It gives us security, we've had a horrible year with illness and this will make a major difference to us.
"This has come at exactly the right time for us, it's so helpful and everyone in the street has their own story about how this will help them, it's a phenomenal thing.
"You don't think it will happen to you but when it does it's amazing."
Celebrity ambassador for the People's Postcode Lottery, Judie McCourt, said: "Sometimes I think we get a little bit complacent because we need to stop and think that this is £3 million in a neighbourhood, can you imagine the community spirit with neighbours winning together.
"This money is a massive deal for families and people who have retired, it will make a huge difference and change their lives."