Express & Star

Fellowship group casts net wider with invites to new calendar of events

Members of a Wyre Forest club are hoping more people will join them to enjoy a packed social calendar of outings and get-togethers.

Members at a recent visit to Acton Scott Hall

The Wyre Forest Fellowship Club is a men’s club, although wives and partners join in with most of the monthly events, which range from theatre trips and 10-pin bowling, to dinners with speakers at Bewdley Pines Golf Club and day-time outings.

A recent trip to the Grade II Listed Acton Scott Hall, an Elizabethan manor house set in the Shropshire hills, attracted more than 26 members and guests.

Keith Ellwood, this year’s chair, said: “It was a great day out and we’d be delighted for even more people to be able to enjoy such events with us.”

The club was established more than 20 years ago by past members of Kidderminster Round Table and 51 Club International and membership is open to men of any age from Wyre Forest and surrounding areas.

Anyone interested in joining should contact Keith on 07967 564708.