Express & Star

Academy group celebrating after being nominated for four education awards

A Wyre Forest-based multi academy trust is celebrating with finalists in four categories of the prestigious Worcestershire Education Awards.

St Bartholomew’s headteacher Ian James and pupil ambassadors with some of their awards

Severn Academies Educational Trust school St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School and Nursery, Stourport, has been shortlisted for Primary School of the Year.

Two teachers from the trust’s Stourport High School and Vlth Form College are in the running for New Teacher of the Year and Unsung Hero.

The Parent Teacher Association, made up of just three hardworking mums, at Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary Academy feature in the final line up for the Community Involvement Award.

Chris King, chief executive of the trust, which has eight schools, said: “We are delighted to have four such strong contenders reaching the finals of the county awards. They all thoroughly deserve to be there and encapsulate our values and mission to provide the nurturing conditions for our children to grow into outstanding young people, capable of leading brilliant lives.”

St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School and Nursery impressed the selection panel with its novel enquiry-based approach to learning and how it encourages pupils to think deeply about issues, to challenge injustice and become agents of change.

Business and criminology teacher Scott Rayson, head of year 10 at Stourport High School, was nominated for the Unsung Hero Award for always going above and beyond for his students, including making and delivering hot meals to the family of one of his year group who was in hospital after an accident and taking additional training to support a student’s particular needs.

Stourport High’s recently appointed PE teacher and sixth form boys’ basketball coach Sam Coles has reached the finals of the New Teacher category for making an “excellent” start to his career, showing passion and commitment.

Alison Timmins, Hayley Tarbet and Sam Stockin who made up the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary Academy said they were “beyond thrilled” to be shortlisted for the

Community Involvement Award.

They were nominated by head of school Mokshuda Begum who said their “dedication to the betterment of the school community is truly unparalleled.”

The finalists are looking forward to the Awards’ Dinner at the Bank House Hotel, Bransford, on Thursday April 18.