Express & Star

Pupils raise cash for Children in Need by holding various events in school

Big-hearted pupils raised £1,500 for Children in Need by holding a series of events in their schools.

Stourport High year 12 pupil Lydia Sztybel with her chocoholic cake

Youngsters from the Severn Academies Educational Trust took part in activities including dressing in spots, holding cake and biscuit sales and making a coin mile for the annual BBC fundraiser last Friday (November 19).

Pudsey Bear visited Hartlebury CE Primary School where the children raised more than £200 by dressing in spots, Wolverley Academy Primary collected £325 from donations from their Wear Whatever you Want Day and wristband sales and associate trust school Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary raised almost £200 from events including a biscuit sale.

Stourport Primary Academy’s donations and coin mile raised around £250, while at Wilden All Saints CE Primary pupils filled a giant Pudsey cut-out and wore spots to collect £254 and pupils St Bartholomew’s CE Primary spotty dressing up day raised £134.

Year 12 student Lydia Sztybel at The Stourport High School and Vlth Form College made an indulgent chocolate cake to raffle, which contributed a big slice of the school’s £130 total.

Chris King, trust chief executive, said: "Another great effort for Children in Need. I’m always impressed by the generosity of our children, their parents and our staff."

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