Driver escapes serious injury as car flips over in Wolverhampton crash
Nobody was seriously injured as a car flipped onto its roof in a crash in Wolverhampton.

Firefighters, paramedics and police were called to the scene in Warstones Road, Penn, just before 7.30pm on Sunday.
The driver, a woman, was checked over my paramedics but did not need hospital treatment.
The road was closed as emergency services dealt with the incident.
A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said: "We got a call at 7.23pm, it was a 999 call to Warstones Road in Penn.
"We sent a crew from Wolverhampton and a crew from Tettenhall to the scene, that's 10 firefighters.
"The stop message came in at 7.49pm.
"The incident involved two cars, a car that was travelling had hit a stationary car and flipped onto its roof.
"Noone was trapped, everyone got out prior to our arrival.
"A female received precautionary checks from fire service crews then we handed her over to the ambulance service."
Jamie Arrowsmith, spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service, said: "We were called to reports of a two-car road traffic collision on Warstones Road, one of which had overturned, at 7.24pm.
"One ambulance attended the scene. On arrival we discovered one patient, a woman, who was the driver of the overturned car. She was assessed and discharged on scene with minor injuries."
The driver remained at the scene and assisted officers, police said.
A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said: "We were called to reports of a car on its roof in Warstones Road, Penn, at just after 7.20pm yesterday.
"It is understood the vehicle collided with a parked car and the driver remained at the scene and assisted officers.
"The road was blocked near Warstones Crescent for about an hour while the two cars were recovered."