Bushbury Buddies need volunteers to drive new minibus in Wolverhampton
A community bus group have issues an appeal for volunteers to drive their new minibus.

Bushbury Buddies purchased the bus through funding from the Building Connections Fund, Scotlands & Bushbury Hill Big Local and Bushbury Hill Community Action Group.
The project tries to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation in the area through their befriending service.
The service is for all adults living in the area not just older people.
Louisa Edwards, project manager, said: "Younger people need support too and it's good to have a familiar face.
"Sometimes they can't afford the bus fare into town so they miss out, but now we have the minibus we hope to help them."
The community celebrated the launch of the new minibus at Bushbury's annual fun day on Wednesday 20 August.
Louisa and her team are now looking for volunteers who live locally to come forward for as little as an hour per week.
"We always need volunteers to help out, we couldn't do what we do without them." She added.
For more information people can contact Louisa Edwards or Kim Payne on caatservicesltd@yahoo.co.uk