Express & Star

'Amazing' staff in two-hour mission to find shoebox stuffed with £900 thrown away at Bilston tip

Staff at the tip in Bilston spent more than two hours painstakingly searching for a shoebox stuffed with about £900 in cash after a Wolverhampton woman had a clear-out.

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A relieved Rhiannon Thompson with tip workers Stephen Startin and Dave Phillips

Rhiannon Thompson feared the worst when her partner Jordan Stevens asked her where his red Nike shoebox with £900 inside had gone.

She said: "My heart just sank – I'd taken it to the tip two days earlier. It had about £900 of my boyfriend's Christmas money inside but it had been tucked under some tissue paper in a money gift card so I hadn't seen it.

"I'd taken the rubbish on the Saturday and only realised what had happened on the Monday when he asked me where his shoebox was.

"The worst thing was he was planning to take it the bank that very day. We were waiting outside the tip gates on Monday morning but we had very little hope of ever getting it back."

However, the Anchor Lane site staff leapt to the rescue, spent hours painstakingly picking through tons of cardboard rubbish, and eventually returned most of the cash – bar around £80, as some of the money had come out of it – to the very grateful couple.

Rhiannon, 23, added: "We are so very grateful, it makes you realise there are some really lovely people in the world. I felt so bad, it was pouring with rain and they all had their work to do.

"They had been looking for around two hours and we were about to give up when they came across it. It was such a relief."