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Veteran Bilston fundraiser launches Turkey and Syria earthquake disaster appeal

A Bilston community fundraiser has launched an emergency appeal for survivors of the Turkey and Syria earthquake.

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Guru Ji Singh has launched a Turkey disaster appeal

Guru Ji Singh has been raising money for good causes for 30 years, including walking barefoot in the winter, but admits the devastation in Turkey has really upset him.

He said: "In 30 years of my community work I have never seen such a disaster. People are cold, hungry, wet, sick and dying. We are appealing for help so we can send a 40ft container to Turkey as soon as possible.

"We need to help these helpless human beings before it is too late. They have lost everything, families, homes, workplaces basically everything familiar to them disappeared in one day. They are going to need everything a human needs to survive.

"We are asking for bottled water women's hygiene items, baby and toddler food, baby hygiene items, hats, gloves, scarves, socks, winter clothing, blankets, quilts, shoes, toys, tinned food and packet food. Basically anything which would be able to help people with nothing which can get to Turkey without rotting or going out of date."

The Turkish disaster has coincided with one of the most busy periods ever for Guru Ji Singh's fundraising team who provide warm meals for the needy in Bilston and Wolverhampton. The cost of living crisis has seen a massive increase in demand for food banks and essentials for destitute residents who are having to choose between heating and eating.

Guru Singh regularly gives away 100 free meals within an hour outside Major's Chip Shop, in Bilston, on Saturday mornings as well as delivering food parcels. Guru Singh is supported by shops and religious organisations throughout the Black Country including Wolverhampton's Teg Bahadur Gurdwara, in Upper Villers Street.

The sheer devastation caused by the earthquake, which was a magnitude of 7.8 and followed by another shortly afterwards, in Turkey near the Syrian border on Monday is being revealed with each passing day.

Destroyed buildings from above in Antakya, Turkey

An estimated 22,000 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands more injured or made homeless, and are now facing freezing cold temperatures without shelter or food.

Guru Singh said: "We need to fill this 40 foot container as soon as possible and get it over there. If people want to donate they can send whatever they can afford to NatWest, sort code 60/11/18 account number 80328512 under the name of Kali Mata, reference earthquake.

"The generosity of the people of Wolverhampton and Bilston never fails to astound me and I know they will again want to help those more unfortunate than themselves."

For more information phone Guru Singh on 07990770619 or email