Express & Star

Bilston taxi firm gathers 3,000 signatures against 'unfair' road ban that sees drivers fined

Taxi drivers and their customers in Bilston are protesting after their traditional rank near the bus station was turned into a cycle lane.

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Sawan Lal with councillors and customers

Wood Street has been designated a bus and cycle lane, which prevents drivers from Bilston Radio Cars waiting for passengers there.

Several other businesses have lost access to the back of their properties and drivers have been getting £60 fines if they use the road, even in emergencies.

Bilston Radio Cars owner Sawan Lal has amassed 3,000 signatures on a petition calling for Wolverhampton Council to reverse their decision and has led a walking protest from the rank to the bus station.

He said: "We have had this rank for years and everyone in the town knows where to get a taxi but without warning they stopped our cars from waiting there.

"We have had so much support over this from people in Bilston from our customers to market traders, they can all see how unfair this is and how it's affecting trade."

He added: "We have written to Wolverhampton Council asking them to reconsider their decision but we have heard nothing back from them.

"That is why we will keep protesting until they listen."

Bilston North Councillor Phil Page is concerned the situation is hitting local businesses hard.

He said: "We should be encouraging business in Bilston, we want the town centre to be vibrant but the decision is causing lots of problems.

"The taxi firm cannot get to the rear of their base and other businesses cannot get to the back of their premises. Now drivers have started getting £60 tickets, it really makes no sense."

He added: "I really hope Wolverhampton Council reassesses the situation because Bilston businesses need to be helped not hindered."

Wolverhampton Council confirmed officers are looking into the issue but have yet to receive a petition about Wood Street.

A spokesman said: “The Council received a letter dated Monday 21 November 2022 in respect of concerns regarding the Wolverhampton City Council (Hall Street 24HR Bus Gate) Order 2020. We replied to confirm that the points raised were being reviewed on Thursday 8 December. Officers are now considering proposals to resolve the issue,

“To date, no petition has been presented for consideration.”