Could Bilston become a 'garden city'?
It is better known for its industrial heritage rather than expanse of green spaces.

But these new artist's impressions show the future 'garden city' vision for Bilston under a new development plan.
They have been revealed as hundreds of new homes were given a £681,000 cash boost.
Wolverhampton council has secured funding from the European Regional Development Fund to develop the site at Bilston Urban Village.
The project ties in with a wider garden city scheme revealed by the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) last year.
It will see up to 450 homes built by private developers on former brownfield land, alongside around 14 hectares of land which has been earmarked for public open space and nature conservation.
These new artist’s impressions show how the concept will work in Bilston Urban Village.

The remainder of the £1.5 million needed for the project will be funded from £156,000 Section 106 private sector money already secured from developers, and council investment.
A contractor to deliver the open space development strategy will be announced before the end of the year.
Councillor John Reynolds, cabinet member for city economy, said: “The Garden City concept provides an exciting opportunity to help promote investment in the Black Country.
“A major positive is that it not only focuses on the number of houses but also puts quality housing and developing vibrant communities at its core.
“Bilston Urban Village is a prime example of this and we are delighted to receive this European funding to help fulfil our ambitions.”
A Steering Group for the Bilston Urban Village 'open space development strategy' is in place.
This is made up of Wolverhampton council, Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust, the Canal & River Trust, University of Wolverhampton, residents, the Land Trust, and Ormiston South Wolverhampton and Bilston Academy.
Chiefs said their aim is to 'improve biodiversity and recreation, with works to include developing a network of paths for walking and cycling, clearing overgrown trees and shrubs, and providing fencing to properly define and protect areas'.
A statement said: "Work will also be carried out to significantly improve the nature conservation value of the sites.
"This will involve activities including woodland management, development of ground flora, meadow creation, tree planting, hedge planting, development of a pond, possible creation of a community orchard, provision of bird and bat boxes, and actions to increase biodiversity along the edges of the canal.
"All this will lead to a significant enhancement of the open spaces within Bilston Urban Village, and it is proposed, on completion of the works, to declare the open space sites a Local Nature Reserve."