Former students enjoy trip down memory lane on reunion visit
It was a chance for former students to tread the paths they once walked three decades ago on a reunion visit.

Thirty years after graduating from Wolverhampton University, a group of alumni returned to the city for a trip down memory lane.
Alumna from as far as Caerphilly, Eton and Plymouth made the trip up to Wolverhampton, having graduated from Business, Language and IT courses in 1994.
Organised by alumna Elizabeth Barrowcliffe and the University’s Alumni team, the returning graduates were given a tour of the City Campus in Wolverhampton, giving them the opportunity to celebrate each other’s achievements, point out landmarks and take in all the changes that have taken place over the years at the university.
Having graduated in 1994, the former students remain in touch with one another and have held their own reunions.
On behalf of the group, Elizabeth said: “The University of Wolverhampton holds lots of happy memories for us.
"It's where we formed the friendships we have taken forward with us into our adult lives.
“The qualifications we obtained stood us in good stead for our then future careers.
"It was great fun to come back and revive some lost memories, even though the Rosalind Franklin building itself is almost unrecognisable compared with 30 years ago.
“There was no internet, and no one had mobile phones when we were there, which hints at how different our student experience was.
"We all reflected and concluded the university would be a much nicer place now to study with all the brilliant facilities.
“It’s amazing the university offers these reunion tours and it was a great way to bring back the memories.
"It was full of laughter and a bit of nostalgia thrown in.”
To find out more about the Alumni Association at Wolverhampton University, go to