Express & Star

Idris Elba spotted in Wolverhampton pub

A touch of Hollywood came to a popular city pub after a huge film and TV star came for a visit.

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The Cleveland Arms in Wolverhampton was visited by actor, musician and activist Idris Elba on Monday, with the Luther star stopping for a few hours for some food and a few coffees.

Owner Will Adamson said Idris had stopped by the pub while out filming a documentary and said he was struck by how down to earth he was.

He said: "He came into the pub as a break from a BBC documentary that he's filming and was probably here for about three-and-a-half hours, having some food and a few Americanos and some water while he was there.

"I did get the chance to have a chat with him and I found him to be a really nice guy who took the time to chat with everyone as he had time for my mum and dad and he chatted with the staff and he even chatted with the girls who were sitting outside.

"If he comes here again, I'd be happy to offer him a pint and a lot of people have been telling me that they wish they'd known he was there as they would have loved to have met him."

Will Adamson poses with Idris Elba during his visit to the Cleveland Arms. He described Idris as really down to earth. Photo: Cleveland Arms

Mr Adamson said the visit had been a nice touch, but also said that he didn't get massively star-struck when it came to famous people, having had a lot of sporting legends come to the pub in the past.

He said: "In my line of work, this is kind of a normal thing as I've had people like Steve Davis and Steve Bull here in the past and it's just the norm for me.

"It was nice though as, at the end of the day, a lot of famous people would just walk out and don't really talk to people, but he made time for people and it was really nice to have him there."

The Cleveland Arms will be hosting events throughout the rest of the year with former Nottingham Forest goalkeeper Mark Crossley and former Aston Villa stars Dennis Mortimer and Tony Morley among those appearing at the pub.

To find out more, go to The Cleveland Arms pub