Express & Star

New location chosen for Wolverhampton's box space – find out where

The long-awaited 'box space' to revitalise the centre of Wolverhampton is now being proposed for a city site.


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The 'box space' leisure area, which will provide a space for open-air entertainment and food-and-drink vendors, was due to have opened this year on land between Cleveland Street and Bell Street.

But the Express & Star revealed in April that the scheme had been put on hold while Wolverhampton City Council council reconsidered the location.

And now Councillor Stephen Simkins has told the newspaper that the vacant former market square, between Salop Street and Peel Street, is now the preferred location.

He said it would form the centrepiece of a new mixed-use development for the western side of the city.

An artist's impression of the original box space, proposed for a site between Cleveland Street and Bell Street

The council has signed an agreement with developer ECF to draw up fresh proposals for the City Centre West scheme, which covers a 12-acre site around Darlington Street and School Street.

"The market square will be the heart of the new entertainment area, bringing that area of the city back to life," said Councillor Simkins.