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Wednesfield charity fundraiser who beat cancer gets a helping hand with new book

Everybody needs good neighbours they say and newly published Wednesfield author David F Peters has took advantage of help from his.

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He has published a book – called Rex the Journey Home – and has already sold 60 copies.

Wednesfield resident David F.Peters has published his first book with a little help from his friends.

What makes it even more remarkable is David is dyslexic although he didn't find this out until he was in his early 40s.

The now 74-year-old who has lived in Wednesfield all his life also raises money for charity from cycle rides, particularly for Prostate Cancer UK where he is in his second year of remission from it after treatment.

Whist being treated he raised £3,000 including a grant from the Wednesfield North ward fund which was used to install two defibrillators on the Linthouse Estate.

The idea for the book which centres on a farm and the animals that live there, came when he was on one of his charity bike rides and had plenty of time to think about plots and picture using ideas from the images he saw.

David F Peters has published his first book with help from friends and neighbours, including talented artist Rose Kudlacek who provided illustrations.

He asked his neighbour's daughter Emily Rudge, if she could help him to put this story into words on paper and she also put some of her own ideas in the storyline, finally typing it onto his computer.

Then another neighbour, artist Rose Kudlacek, was asked to illustrate his book and she suggested he have it published.

Dave was delighted with the outcome, never having dreamt he could ever achieve a book manuscript of his story and the book version was published on Friday.

David F. Peters and friend and neighbour Rose Kudlacek who illustrated it. The book has already sold well on the Wednesfield estate where they live close to each other.

To add to promoting the book, David's brother in law is a musician and has written a song about the story which will be published on YouTube on the Sandiacre Adventures channel.

Rose said: "David is an inspiration and is well loved by people on the estate. He has refused to be held back by health issues which he overcame and also the dyslexia diagnosis, choosing to raise money for others.

"Now he has achieved his ambition of getting his ideas for a story written down, with me helping out with the pictures which I enjoyed though it was hard work and others helping out in other ways.

"The outcome has been the published book which has already created a lot of interest and sales in the local area."

David already has an idea for a second book about two donkeys called Hokey and Cokey

Anyone wishing to purchase a copy of Rex the Journey Home can call David on 07801 811 350 and it may be available from Wolverhampton Library soon.

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