Express & Star

'High levels' of shotgun residue found on clothing recovered from Wolverhampton murder scene

A forensic scientist who examined gun residue found on clothes at the address where Deavon Harrison died said "very high" levels of particles from shotgun discharge were found.

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Police at the address in Dunstall Hill where father of seven Deavon Harrison was killed late last year

Mandy Wood, a forensic reporting scientist, was giving evidence on the sixth day of a trial of three people accused of murdering the father of seven in Wolverhampton.

Deavon Harrison

She said "very high" levels of shotgun particles were found on a grey-sweatshirt worn by Mr Harrison, who died of a knife wound to the head and a gunshot injury to the chest at a house in Dunstall Hill on the morning of December 30 last year.

Police at the address in Dunstall Hill where father of seven Deavon Harrison was killed late last year
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