Wolverhampton grime artist set to release more music with a message
A Wolverhampton-based grime artist's latest release is set to highlight a campaign against sexual assault.

Tristan Bexton, aged 22, records under the name TB and has his own YouTube channel called 'theofficialt.b. He will release 'TB-Sexual Assault#just why? on April 26.

Tristan previously released a tribute to his friend Tyrese Bernard who died of bowel cancer in 2021.
He started his career the year before as a way of turning his life around through his love of music and his tracks have found airplay on the BBC.
The latest has been mixed at the Beatsabar Music Project based at Newhampton Arts Centre, which Tristan has used since he started recording grime tracks.
He said: "The track itself raises awareness for sexual assault and rape both from a male and female perspective.
"The project has been made to help people speak out who maybe don't want to talk about such a sensitive topic.
"It is highlighted throughout the video that's been made alongside the song and shows aspects of people taking advantage of the drunk and disorderly and also aspects of being spiked and sexually assaulted.
"At the end of the video there are helplines and places people can go to either talk about sexual assault or even get help.

"My music has always been seen to have a message involved, whether it is of the tribute to Tyrese or this latest project which will hopefully help get the message across about sexual assault and what a problem it is in society for both sexes.
"I'd like to credit Millie Bateman, Connor Lannon - also known as GHXST, Allahya Downing, Lydia Bradbury and Having a Shocker who have all been heavily involved in the track and all support the message behind it."
Tristan is in talks with Rape Crisis, Safeline and the police to endorse the single and work with them on education programmes around it.
To check out Tristan's YouTube channel go to youtube.com/@theofficialt.b. The track will be released on the channel, Spotify and Apple music.