Application to erect new signs on listed Halls building in Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton Council has applied for permission to erect new signage on the listed Civic Hall building.

After Wolverhampton University agreed a deal to sponsor the venue, its name has changed to University of Wolverhampton at The Halls.
In keeping with the historic character of the building the new signs will have silver lettering rather than neon.
A statement in the application said: "The signs will be 3mm aluminium with a powder coated, white satin finish. The letters will be fixed to the building with 6mm studs and nickel-plated locator fixings. All fixings will have stand-offs to ensure letters are sat proud of the existing facing materials."
The statement added: "Both signs use a minimal number of fixings per letter with the individual nature of the lettering allowing the maximum amount of elevation materials to be read through the length of the signage."
The Civic Hall opened in 1938 after first being discussed in 1922 when a councillor bemoaned the lack of venues in Wolverhampton.