'Smallest zoo in the world's' tiny tigers and puny pandas now on show in Wolverhampton
Tiny tigers and puny pandas – welcome to the world's smallest zoo.

It is a wondrous collection of microscopic marvels and is opening today at Wolverhampton’s Change Makers Hub in Railway Drive for the Easter holidays.
The zoo features the largest collection of microscopic artworks - which have never been seen before - by the world-famous 'micro artist' David A Lindon.

Each of the handmade masterpieces are so small they fit inside the eye of a needle and the collection is the sum of more than two years of painstaking work.
David first needed to create his own handmade microscopic tools and then worked at night for six to 10 hours at a time to avoid the vibrations of the daytime traffic.
The exhibition contains 24 display towers housing the detailed artworks under a protective dome.