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Wolverhampton's young litter-pickers are praised as Great British Spring Clean gets underway

Three young litter pickers from Wolverhampton are doing their bit to keep the city tidy as part of a nation-wide clean scheme.


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Lennon Davies, Freya Perkins and Jack Phillips are cleaning up the streets and parks in Wolverhampton as part of Keep Britain Tidy's Great British Spring Clean.

Supported by City of Wolverhampton Council and their family members, the trio have been bagging up rubbish on their voluntary rounds.

Freya, aged nine, has been 'going above and beyond' collecting litter on the streets near her home and at the recently revamped Prouds Lane Playing Fields in Bilston.

Back Row left to right: Jack Phillips, Councillor Craig Collingswood, City of Wolverhampton Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, and Lennon Davies with front, Freya Perkins.

Lennon, 14, is said to often collect up to two bin bags worth of rubbish at sites in Bentley Bridge, Ashmore Park and around Bilston on his weekly litter picks, while Jack, aged 13, is focused on the streets around Tettenhall Wood for his litter picking duties.

All three have been provided with equipment by the council, which also arranges to collect the bags of litter from them.

They are all now planning to step up their efforts further as the weather gets warmer.

It comes as the Great British Spring Clean began on Friday, with a call now going out for more volunteers to take part in litter picking.

City of Wolverhampton Council's cabinet member for environment and climate change, Councillor Craig Collingswood, said: "This year's national campaign has the theme 'the environment belongs to everyone' and the efforts of these three young people is a true reflection of that message.

"Their community spirit is to be commended and we hope that even more people will be inspired and get involved in the Great British Spring Clean. Thanks to Deputy Mayor Councillor Linda Leach who has also been involved and helped supply litter picking equipment for Freya using ward funds.

"Littering is inexcusable and everyone can help by disposing of rubbish properly.”

The Great British Spring Clean 2024, which runs until March 31, marks Keep Britain Tidy's platinum anniversary. The organisation was founded in 1954 by a group of Women's Institute members who wanted to protect the countryside.

Anyone who would like to organise a litter picking event, at any time of the year, can complete an online form on the council's website. Event organisers are encouraged to log their litter picks at Great British Spring Clean | Keep Britain Tidy

Larger items of rubbish and heavily littered streets can be reported to the council to clean up via the Love Clean Streets App.