Express & Star

Last chance for people in Wolverhampton to have say on budget spending

People in Wolverhampton are being urged to have a final say in what the council’s spending priorities for 2024-25 should be, by completing an online budget survey before it closes next week.

Councillor Louise Miles (Lab. East Park), cabinet member for resources. Photo: Wolverhampton Council.

A public consultation was launched in December for residents and businesses to give their views on council spending, while operating in the face of increasing financial challenges – including reduced funding, growing demand and the impact of the cost of living crisis.

A large number of people have already completed the survey, but the council’s financial bosses are keen to encourage as many as possible to take part before it closes next Wednesday, February 7, at 11.59pm.

Councillor Louise Miles (Labour. East Park), cabinet member for resources, said: “I encourage people to take this opportunity to have their say before the survey closes.

"These are difficult times for council finances up and down the country. We have an excellent track record of managing our money well and setting a balanced budget – this is despite having to deliver savings of more than £240 million over the last 13 years.

“We recognise there are challenging times ahead so, to help us plan for the future, we want to understand what matters most to residents and businesses in the city. By gathering these views, we can set a budget for 2024-25 that reflects their priorities. I hope people take this opportunity to have their say.”

This year, the council’s funding announced by the government was based on the assumption that it would increase council tax by 4.99 per cent – made up of 2.99 per cent for council services and two per cent to fund adult social care.

The survey can be completed online at Your Priorities for Wolverhampton. The responses gathered will be used to help shape the budget setting process for the coming financial year.

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