£790,000 bill for controversial Wolverhampton children's home sparks council row
A row has broken out over the £800,000 cost of a controversial new Wolverhampton Council children's home in the city.

Tory councillors are furious Wolverhampton Council spent £790,366 purchasing and altering the property in Keepers Lane, Tettenhall.
Round-the-clock staffing will also cost over £500,000 a year at the home, which will house two vulnerable children with special needs.
Tettenhall Regis Conservative Councillor Udey Singh is furious the project went ahead without "proper consultation" after the council announced it was being put on hold in June.
However, Wolverhampton Council's Children's Services cabinet member said the Government half of the deal and claimed money spent helping the city's vulnerable youngsters is money well spent.
Following a Freedom of Information request, the cost of the Keepers Lane children's home was revealed. Acquisition of the property was quoted at £610,000 and £180,366 was quoted for subsequent works.