Man whose dad died after heart attack at work site raises money for play area defibrillator
A life-saving defibrillator has been installed at a popular play area after a man whose father died from a heart attack raised money for it.

The new AED (Automated External Defibrillator) was unveiled by the deputy-chairman of Wombourne Parish Council, Dan Kinsey, at Brickbridge Playing Fields.
Wombourne resident Jon Bunce, whose father John passed away in February 2020, wanted to raise funds to install a new defibrillator within the local area in order to provide someone else with access to life-saving equipment.
The playing fields, managed by the parish council, are primarily used by Wombourne Allstars Football Club which runs grass roots football for children aged six to eleven years.
Jon's father suffered a heart attack whilst on a work site. No defibrillator was present, either on site or nearby, and 45 minutes had passed before an ambulance arrived.
He said: “Had the immediate area had a defibrillator, the chance of my father still being alive would have been increased significantly. I believe there should be as many defibrillators as possible within a community to give everyone a fighting chance.
“After discussing the best location for a new AED in Wombourne, my attention was brought to the heart attack suffered by Christian Eriksen that millions witnessed during the Euros 2020. his shocking event brought defibrillators and heart attack awareness to the forefront once more.
“I strike up a conversation with coaches at the Allstars who were looking for a defib to protect the young players (around 150 of them), their parents and grandparents who visit the field, and also the residents on the neighbouring housing estate should the need ever arise.”
Councillor Kinsey, said: “It was such a terrific pleasure to be invited to formally unveil the new defibrillator at Brickbridge Playing Fields. The value of this small piece of kit cannot be understated; it is quite literally a life saver.
“I am very grateful to Jon for his kind donation that has made this possible quickly, and I know this is a matter very close to him and his family.
"While we cannot change the past, this is proof we can learn the right lessons and use our experiences to help others.
“This defibrillator will provide reassurance to all those using the playing fields that practical, life saving help is on hand and ready to go. I hope that it never needs to be used, but if ever it is called upon, we will all be very pleased that it has made a difference to the lives of so many people who are affected when the worst happens."