Number of crashes on ring road increase by 50 per cent after 30mph limit imposed
The number of car crashes on the Wolverhampton ring road has increased by more than half since a 30mph speed limit was imposed three-and-a-half years ago.

Data from the Department for Transport show a 53 per cent increase in the number of road collisions on the road since the limit was reduced from 40mph in June 2020.
The new limit was introduced, initially as a temporary measure, to encourage people to walk or cycle rather than depend on their cars.
But in November 2021, Wolverhampton Council decided to make the order permanent.
'Watchman' signs, which flash-up the registration numbers of cars exceeding the speed limit, were installed at a cost of £165,000, to remind drivers to watch their speed.
At the time, leader of the Conservative opposition on Wolverhampton Council, Councillor Wendy Thompson, accused the authority of rushing through the scheme with little consultation.
Figures show there were have been 43 crashes in the 29 months following the introduction of the speed limit, four of which were deemed to be 'serious'. In the 29 months prior to the limit, there were 28 collisions, four of them serious.