Express & Star

Meet the first bundle of joy to be born at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital in 2024

This little bundle of joy was the first baby to be born at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital on New Year's Day.

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Little Alfie was the first baby to be born at New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton in 2024

The year started off in the best way possible for Amy and Ryan Pope as little Alfie arrived into the world at 1.21am.

The couple’s second son weighs seven pounds and one ounce and his proud brother Freddie Thomas, aged three, can’t wait to meet his new little brother.

“Freddie has met Alfie via FaceTime but he really wants to see him properly now,” said Amy, 29, who works as a teacher.

Amy and Ryan, 30, said coverage of Alfie’s birth as a New Year’s Day baby would be something special to show him when he’s older.

“It is nice to think he’s the first baby of 2024 at New Cross Hospital although we’re both just relieved that he’s here and he’s OK because we were involved in a car accident before Christmas. Even though the scans were fine we were still worried,” said Amy.

“He looks just like Freddie did when he was a baby and both of them actually arrived pretty quickly so they already have that in common.

"We’re going to have a busy house with the two of them now.”