Express & Star

Wolverhampton care firm with 'shortfall of strong leadership' is put in special measures by CQC

A Wolverhampton-based service providing personal care in people’s homes has been rated 'inadequate' and placed into special measures following concerns people were at risk of receiving "unsafe and inconsistent care".

Last updated

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has given the rating to Santos Care Limited following an inspection in October, which was carried out to follow up on specific concerns it was told to address at a previous inspection, including around risk assessments and the safety of the service.

A report published this week, following the visit, shows inspectors found issues with training and problems with people's care plans not always being consistent.

The CQC also said it was not clear who was responsible for the management and administration of medication, and that when improvements to people's care were suggested the provider took no action and didn’t learn lessons.

However, inspectors also said people and relatives thought staff were kind and caring and treated them with respect, while staff supported people to maintain their independence.

Following this inspection, the service’s overall rating has dropped from 'requires improvement' to 'inadequate', as have the ratings for being safe, effective and well-led.

It has again been rated 'requires improvement' for being responsive.