Plans submitted to convert Victorian town house in Wolverhampton into five apartments
Plans have been submitted to transform a Victorian solicitors office in a Wolverhampton town house into five apartments.

Harpreet Kaur has applied for planning permission to Wolverhampton Council to transform the Grade II listed terrace property at 22 Waterloo Road.
The town house was previously on the market for £280,000.
In the design and access statement about the application, John Thorne, from Thorne Architects, described the plan, saying: "22 Waterloo Road is one house in a terrace of six dwellings which are Grade II Listed and provide a significant contribution to the townscape of the street as a whole.
"Somewhat more ornamented than many of the other 19th Century houses which survive in the street, the house is finely proportioned and with its neighbours taken as a whole dominant.
"With a rusticated plinth, projecting bays, ornamental railings and decorated architraves to windows and doorways, the building with its neighbours is a typical example of early Victorian architecture.
"The application proposal is for the conversion of the town house and its rear wing into 5 self-contained apartments. The decision has purposely been taken to convert the building into 1 bed/1 person apartments as this will minimise the extent of internal alteration and will mean that extant historic features can be retained."
The previous conversion into offices resulted in the interior becoming "drab" and loss of the property's original Victorian features, he said.
The report added: "The external views are not brilliant but the landscaping of the sunken courtyard will provide a tranquil outlook from the rooms of the proposed apartments in this wing. The conversion into offices of the main building has resulted in the usual drab interventions and the loss of some features but generally covings, skirting, door frames and architraves are still intact. These will be retained as part of the conversion."
"The rear wing to the north of the main building is devoid of historical character internally. There is significant damp ingress to the rear of this element so internal tanking will be required to overcome this. Rainwater goods and a lowering of the external finished levels will also help. The existing painted brickwork is to be rendered and new contemporary windows added which will increase the light levels in the rooms."
Waterloo Road is within a conservation area and is 750 metres from Wolverhampton Railway Station.
The application includes landscaping of the property.
The report added: "Landscaping is indicated on the floor plans and site plan. The rear courtyard is to be repaved and a free-standing trellis for ornamental climbers erected in a planting bed to provide living screen to the wall of number 24 Waterloo Road.
"A small formal garden with an ornamental tree is proposed for the front garden. W respectfully request that landscaping is made a condition of approval."
To comment on the application visit using the reference 23/01221/LBD.