Flats plan for pair of Wolverhampton houses turned for the third time
Plans to turn two large houses in a deprived area of Wolverhampton into four apartments have been refused for the third time.

Two previous bids to turn the properties into six flats were also turned down last year by Wolverhampton Council.
Applicant Gurjinder Bhella’s proposal to convert the end terrace three-bedroom homes on Bilston Road, East Park, was rejected on the grounds that their close proximity to the junction with Stowheath Lane could affect highway safety and the free flow of traffic.
Other factors for the decision were given as insufficient car parking space and allowance for vehicles to manoeuvre, failure to provide an attractive green residential environment and an invasion of privacy to the neighbouring property.
A statement from planning officer Colin Noakes said: “The car park entrance is close to the signal-controlled junction of Stowheath Lane and Bilston Road and the plans will intensify vehicle movements to the site. The proposed car parking layout is very compact and fails to provide suitable manoeuvrability for vehicles to be able to access the site safely.
“Consequently, the proposal has the potential to be seriously detrimental to highway safety and the free flow of traffic. Also, it fails to provide an attractive, green residential environment with adequate space.
“The level of usable amenity space proposed falls short of the required standard for the size of the planned development. The private amenity space would have an unacceptably adverse effect on the occupiers of the adjacent ground floor flat, providing a poor level of privacy.”
A report by Ian Lewis of Tettenhall-based Lewis Architecture, acting on behalf of Mr Bhella, added: “The area’s character is predominately made up of two-storey terraced houses of mixed styles and periods – usually set back from the main road behind a dwarf wall.
“There are a number of examples of flats and single unit accommodation along Bilston Road – most recently the erection of Liana Gardens adjacent to the site – which provides a series of two-bedroom flats and apartments as well as a similar block of apartments along Junction Road.”