Express & Star

Veterans urged to sign up for long list of benefits

People who have served in the Armed Forces, and reservists, are being encouraged to declare their service so that they can claim the help and support they are entitled to.

Wolverhampton Council have put out a list of benefits veterans can take advantage of

The Wolverhampton Armed Forces Covenant Board, a collaborative partnership led by Wolverhampton Council, the Armed Forces, charities and other public sector organisations, says that veterans could be missing out on a wide range of benefits.

These include discounts at the council’s WV Active leisure centres, where former and current armed forces members can access the concessionary membership rate which means they can purchase a membership for just £10 a month.

Other benefits include easier access to social housing, with additional preference given to veterans in the allocation of social housing by Wolverhampton Homes and a guaranteed interview scheme as the council operates a Guaranteed Interview Policy for those that have served in the Armed Forces.

It means that, if an applicant for a job with the council declares they are a veteran and meets the essential job criteria, they must be shortlisted for interview.

Finally, they can get free prescriptions for conditions related to a war pension, which means that people awarded a war pension who are under the age of 60 can obtain a certificate to exempt them from NHS prescription charges for any condition they receive a war pension for.

Councillor Greg Brackenridge, chair of the Wolverhampton Armed Forces Covenant Board, said: “Younger individuals who have served in the Armed Forces and reservists often don’t relate to the term ‘veteran’, and this can be a barrier to them accessing the support and help they need.

“My message to them is that you are a veteran, even if you’ve served for a day, and declaring this can help you access a lot of extra help.

“If you have previously served in the Armed Forces, regardless of the duration, please declare your service and unlock the wealth of support and benefits available to you.”

For more details, and information about the help and support that is available to members of the Armed Forces community in Wolverhampton, go to

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