Express & Star

Former Goodyear workers give £2,000 to Wolverhampton group helping people with dementia

Former Goodyear workers have donated £2,000 to a Wolverhampton group which helps people with memory difficulties and dementia.

The donation being handed over

Members of the 5/344 Transport and General Workers Union Benevolent Fund handed over the cheque to Alz Café, which meets fortnightly at Penn United Reformed Church and was recently given the King's Award for Voluntary Service.

The group meets for coffee mornings and also hosts evening events.

The £2,000 donation will help the group fund brand new information leaflets telling people about its events, as well as helping in other areas.

Cyril Barrett, chairman and trustee of the benevolent fund, said: "We've done a number of projects in the last seven or eight years with the Alz Cafe.

"They are special and inspiring people. They are all volunteers. They care for dementia patients and their families.

"Sadly dementia is an illness which is growing and the need for places is becoming greater by the day.

"It's great to have them there."

Julie Grainger, group leader at the Alz Cafe, said it was 'amazing' to get the funding.

She said: "They are so kind. We are delighted to receive it and want to thank them for the sponsorship."

The Alz Cafe has been running for 17 years.

Around 100 people attend its evening events and about 50 people come to the coffee mornings.

The evening events take place on the second Tuesday of the month and the coffee mornings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

Visit for more information.

The funding comes from a trust fund set up back in the 1980s, initially as a union Sick Pay fund, but which became a charitable fund after the closure of the Goodyear plant in 2016.

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