Express & Star

Find out when Santa and his sleigh is coming to your part of Wolverhampton

Santa and his sleigh is preparing for his pre-Christmas tour of Wolverhampton.

Last updated

The Tettenhall Rotary Club has released the dates when Santa will be riding through various suburbs of Wolverhampton.

Roger Timbrell, from the Rotary Club, said: "Having made special appearances at lights switching on events at Wolverhampton City Centre, Tettenhall, Bilbrook and Bantock Park,

"Tettenhall Rotary Club Father Christmas Sleigh, complete with lights and music will be out and about between now and Christmas."

He added: "Between December 2 and Christmas Eve the Rotary Club Sleigh will take Father Christmas on a tour of residential areas of the city between 5pm and 8pm. on six nights and be outside supermarkets during the day from December 13."

Rotarians will be volunteering throughout the month to ensure Santa is where he should be, when he should be. And collecting money for the various charities the Rotarians support throughout the year.

Roger added: "Tettenhall Rotary Club’s main aim is to provide a little Christmas magic for the children but Rotarians and volunteers dressed in capes and hats will be in attendance to collect for local charities and good causes."

The Rotary Club now can take donations by text, to £1 text SNOWMAN 1 to 70480, £2 text SNOWMAN 2 to 70480, £5 text SNOWMAN 5 to 70480, £10 text SNOWMAN 10 to 70480 or £20 text SNOWMAN 20 to 70480.

Santa will be at the following supermarkets, Wednesday, December 13, Co-op, Codsall from 9am to 7pm, Thursday, December 14, Morrisons, Pendeford, from 9am to 7pm, Friday, December 15 Morisons, Pendeford 9am to 7pm, Saturday, December 16, ASDA Molineux, from 9am to 7pm, Sunday, December 17, ASDA Molineux from 11am to 5pm, Tuesday, December 19, Sainsburys St.Marks from 9am to 7pm, Wednesday, December 20, Sainsburys St, Marks from 9am to 7pm, Thursday, December 21, Sainsurys St Marks from 9am to 7pm.

And Friday, December 22, Sainsburys St. Marks from 9am to 7pm, Saturday, December 23, Sainsburys St. Marks from 9am to 7pm, Christmas Eve, Co-op, Codsall from 10am to 2pm.

Santa and his sleigh will be riding through the streets of Wolverhampton estates and suburbs as well between 5pm and 8pm.

On Saturday, December 2 through Claregate, Aldersley and Blakeley Green, on Sunday, December 3 through Low Hill, Monday, December 4 through The Scotlands, on Tuesday December 5 around Old Fallings, Wednesday, December 6 through Fordhouses and on Thursday, December 7 in Bushbury.

Follow Santa and the Rotarians progress at, on Facebook @wolverhamptonsantaclaus and on Twitter @wolvessanta.