Approval for 11 new homes on overgrown and fly-tipped patch of Wolverhampton land
Eleven new homes are to be built on a vacant stretch of brownfield land which has become densely overgrown and a hotspot for fly-tipping in recent years.

Formerly occupied by a row of Victorian terraced houses that have since been demolished, the site on the corner of Ettingshall Road and Sweetbriar Road was the subject of a previous planning application in 2020 when permission was granted for seven two-bedroom and two four-bedroom homes. However, the plan never came to fruition.
New plans for the mix of two-, three- and four-bedroom detached and semi-detached houses were approved this week following the application by Wolverhampton Council.
A statement from BM3 Architects described the 0.29-hectare site as being in close proximity to a number of different open spaces and recreational parks.