Express & Star

New voucher scheme aims to help alleviate food crisis

A city charity and food bank has started an innovative scheme to help people struggling with getting food.

Kate McKenzie, Alvina Ali and Christine Taylor help to promote the voucher scheme

Secret Angels Food Bank has started a new voucher scheme which will allow service users will be eligible to receive up to six food parcels per year and aims to strike a balance between providing ongoing support to those in need and making room for new referrals.

The food bank, which is based at the Park Village Education Centre in the Park Village area of Wolverhampton, said it had started the scheme after a surge in demand and shortage of donations following the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing cost of living crisis.

The scheme works by having eligible individuals undergo an assessment to determine their need for food assistance, which helps Secret Angels to work out who requires the most support and ensure they receive it, with those eligible being placed on a voucher database for food parcels, which are valid for up to two months.

The six food parcels provided per year will help ensure that service users receive essential supplies throughout the year and will work to include a variety of nutritious items in the parcels to promote well-rounded diets.

A spokeswoman for Secret Angels said: "Food banks have long been seen as a short-term solution to address immediate hunger and food insecurity.

"However, recent developments and evolving perspectives suggest that food banks are playing an increasingly vital role in addressing the persistent issue of food poverty and have become a long-term solution.

"Secret Angels Food Bank's new voucher scheme represents a crucial step in adapting to the changing landscape of food insecurity.

"By addressing soaring demand while ensuring sustainability, this innovative approach promises to make a lasting impact on the lives of those it serves.

"It not only provides immediate relief but also encourages community involvement, making it a beacon of hope for our community during challenging times."

Keith Berridge, Food Bank coordinator said: “As the coordinator of this vital program, my passion lies in bridging the gap between need and nourishment.

"We're here to provide more than just food; we're offering dignity, care, and a helping hand to those facing difficult times."

Alvina Ali, founder and volunteer, said: "In times of adversity, Secret Angels remains committed to our mission of feeding hope.

"This change helps us accommodate more people in need while providing ongoing support to our service users, their well-being is our priority.

"We're introducing this food voucher scheme to ensure that no one in our community goes to bed hungry.

"Together, we'll continue to make a difference, one meal at a time."

To find out more about Secret Angels Voucher Scheme, email

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