Wolverhampton flats plan on 'very busy, heavily parked street' rejected over noise and traffic fears
Plans to convert a three-storey house in Wolverhampton into five separate flats have been refused over fears it could lead to an increase in traffic congestion and noise disturbances.

The property is situated in Paget Road, Whitmore Reans, and is already a very busy and heavily parked street, council planning bosses said. The application was made by Mr Tim Singh.
A report explaining reasons for the decision to reject the proposal said: “The proposed intensification of the use of the property and the lack of sufficient, convenient and well laid out onsite parking would have an unacceptable impact on pedestrian and highway safety in Paget Road and Cranmore Road.
“The introduction of a vehicular and pedestrian access and parking area to the proposed five flats, and the associated coming and going of vehicles and pedestrians – particularly late in the evening – is likely to cause noise disturbance to the detriment of existing and future occupiers.
“Paget Road is a very busy, heavily parked street. It is an often congested through route and the parking is heavily oversubscribed. Near to the site on Paget Road is St Jude’s Junior School, Wolverhampton College and a pedestrian access to Wolverhampton Girls Grammar School. The existing house has no vehicular access from Paget Road. It has a long narrow rear garden leading down to Cranmore Road.
“The proposed parking layout for the rear garden area is a line of four spaces. This contrived layout would be inconvenient and difficult to access. Residents would be likely to try and park on Cranmore Road instead, which is a narrow, heavily parked cul-de-sac – particularly in the evenings,” it added.
“An increase in traffic and the lack of a well laid out parking area, would be a danger to pedestrian and highway safety in Cranmore Road. The coming and going of residents on foot, including those returning from the city centre and Chapel Ash, and in vehicles late into the evening, along with car doors slamming, car stereos and people’s voices, is also likely to cause noise disturbance.”