Wolverhampton Labour group elects new city council leader
A new leader of Wolverhampton Council has been elected by the controlling Labour group.

Bilston South councillor Stephen Simkins takes over the role following the passing of Councillor Ian Brookfield, who died in July, aged 57, following a brave battle with cancer.
Councillor Simkins, who had been serving as acting leader, will be officially appointed to the new post at a meeting of full council on Wednesday September 13, along with Fallings Park councillor Steve Evans, who has been elected deputy leader.
A proud Bilstonian, Councillor Simkins was first elected to the council in 2002.
Councillor Evans, cabinet member for city housing, joined the council in 2006.
The full council is also set to appoint a new director of children’s services at the meeting, a post which supersedes the former director of children and adults role.
The restructure follows the departure of former director of families Emma Bennett, who is now chief executive of neighbouring Walsall Council.
The new director of children’s services will have responsibility for children’s social care services, education services, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and children’s transformation.