Express & Star

Former councillors to be made honorary aldermen this week

Two long-serving Wolverhampton councillors who stepped down from the local authority in May will be made honorary aldermen of the city this week.

Wolverhampton Civic Centre

Phil Page and Jonathan Yardley both served on the council for 20 years and will receive their honours at the council’s governance and ethics committee meeting on Thursday.

Mr Page represented the Bilston North ward for Labour, while Conservative Mr Yardley was a member for Tettenhall Regis.

Phil Page, former Labour councillor for Bilston North. Photo: Wolverhampton Council

Mr Page was mayor in 2018-19 and cabinet member for schools, skills and learning.

He also chaired the statutory licensing committee, regulatory committee, health scrutiny panel and human resources panel, and was also vice-chair of the human resources appeal panel.

Mr Yardley was cabinet member for neighbourhoods and community safety and chaired the planning committee.

Jonathan Yardley, former Conservative councillor for Tettenhall Regis. Photo: Wolverhampton Council

He was also vice-chair of the planning committee, superannuation committee, enterprise and business scrutiny panel, stronger city economy scrutiny panel and audit and risk committee.

Honorary aldermen are allowed to attend full council meetings in a non-participating capacity and are also invited to other civic functions such as Civic and Remembrance Sunday.

Their names are inscribed on a roll of honour displayed on the ground floor in the Civic Centre.

Both former members will be presented with a badge of office.

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