Brother of alleged driver in Wolverhampton death crash said he 'heard voices' telling him to make police call
The brother of the man accused of driving the car which killed two youngsters in Wolverhampton said he 'heard voices' telling him to make a telephone call saying it had been stolen.

Asim Khan, the brother of Mohammed Sullaiman Khan, was at home with his mother, his cousin and other family members when he was informed by his brother about the accident on the Birmingham New Road, on the evening of March 14, 2019.
Sanjay Singh, aged ten and his brother 23-month old Pawanveer died when the car they were travelling in with their mother was hit by an Audi A3, allegedly being driven by Sullaiman Khan. A call was allegedly later made to the police claiming the Audi had been stolen when in reality it was still at the scene.
Asim Khan was questioned at Wolverhampton Crown Court and said he was with his mother and cousin at the family home when he heard about the accident in a telephone call from Sullaiman,
Mr Khan said: "When my brother called me about the accident I didn't know what to do – we were all shocked to hear about it especially my mother who was traumatised."